Our New Little One!

pregnancy week by week

Friday, June 09, 2006

School is Over! Glorious Summer Is Here!

O.K. I know that is a long title for a post, but that is how I feel right now! We just had our graduation ceremony last night and it went very well. Now, I am cleaning my room and finishing up the grading process . . . and our weekend will be packed with open houses for our Seniors. But next week, I will start my job at the church, so I am very excited about that.

This next week, Sarah and Rennah are going down to Buchanan to visit our families, and Rennah is going to be involved in a KinderMusic program for the week. So we are excited about that for her. She is already so musical and love to sing and dance. Her favorite song right now is "How Great Is Our God" by Chris Tomlin, so we sing it with her each night before bed and she just sings along with us. It is so cute!!

So, I will be home alone for the week, that will be sad . . . but I will make it.
We are looking forward to a relaxing summer (hopefully). In July we will be going to Virginia Beach for Amanda Lee's Reception and also visit Cedar Point with my family like we do every year. So that will be the extent of our vacation.

We love you all! Have a great summer.


Anonymous said...

hey mr. st.clair listen to this:
I have found out that you can do the movie, "High School Musical" as a play with the everything that is so awesome please respond.

Tim and Heidi Harney said...

sounds like you have some exciting things happening this summer. I sure hope it's restful for you in the midst of all the fun. Say congrats to Amanda for me! I was so happy to hear that she's getting married. Awesome!!

Natalie said...


So I found you guys through Jenny & Mike Muth's blog. How are you all? I'm still at nland trying to finish an assoc. degree. Maybe someday!!! I have a 14 month old son Kevin. So write back!!!

Natalie Everson