Our New Little One!

pregnancy week by week

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


So my life has been consumed lately with finalizing our plans for the High School Choir Tour coming up the first week of May. We are headed to the east coast, specifically New Jersey. We will be ministering in a local church in Little Egg Harbor Township, singing, leading worship, and sharing testimonies. I am also planning on taking the students to NYC for a day of touring during the trip. I know that I have some students that like to read this blog, so I will not go into too much detail about what we are doing there since it is still a secret around school. But we are going to have a great time.

Things are finally and fully coming together for the trip and I am very excited about it. Be in prayer for that trip.

I also have an Elementary Spring Concert next week, the High School Spring Concert the following week, and then our tour right after. So it is a busy time for me. May gets pretty crazy. Hope everything is going well for everyone. Have an awesome day.


Jenny said...

Sounds like fun! Does your family get to go with you?

Tim St. Clair II said...

Yes, the whole fam is coming along! We are looking forward to the trip.

Anonymous said...

*Sigh* Too bad you weren't going to be in the area a little earlier! I could have met you and your gang somewhere and we could have partied again. You'll be missing me by a week or so. Bummer!

michael said...

Choir tour is going to be amazing. I can't wait. We'll have to get together for worship stuff pretty soon. It's always good to know that stuff in advance. Oh, and after hearing Krysta and Rachel belt it out today, I'm very excited for spring concert. Who knew we had such talent at such a small school. I'm a little offended there's no male solos, but you know, I'll get over it.