Our New Little One!

pregnancy week by week

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Nerves or Not?!

That is the question for all teachers around our school these days. With the ACSI accredidation team here, everyone is on their best behavior. Members of the team have been taking turns coming in and observing our classes. Actually, I think that everyone is doing a great job. We are supposed to relax and just "do our teaching thing", but it is still a little awkward when you have someone new in your classroom watching YOU!

The two times that I have been observed have been completely stress free. In fact, the first time I was observed, I didn't even realize that one of the team members was in the room. It was during choir and I was working with the sopranos on a section of the song when the team member walked in. I turned around to help the basses and there he was, smiling and really enjoying himself. It surprised me at first, but I relaxed quickly . . . no big deal. He told me later that he really enjoyed listening to our choir, so that was nice. That was yesterday . . .

Today, one of the female ACSI team members joined my 1st Grade Music class and observed. We had a blast working on fun music theory games with the kids, so that observation was stress free as well. So for me, I have enjoyed having the team here. After school today we will be meeting with them to answer any questions that they have for us. Tomorrow, they will observe in the morning and then finish going through all of the curriculim stuff in the afternoon. Tomorrow after school, we will get to hear the final report from them . . . we are all anxious to hear what they have to say.

Friday, we get the day off! I am looking forward to that extended weekend. Sarah's family will be coming to visit us during the afternoon.

Have a great day everyone. I will keep you posted on the accredidation stuff.

1 comment:

Hairgrove Hangout said...

Hi Tim and Sarah! It was great to see your comment on our family blog. We love the ministry with our Young Families SS class, it's so much like working with the Married Student families at NBBC. So glad you all are doing well. If you are ever in Venice, Fl. we have space for you!! We have a beautiful beach where we can see the dolphins jump. Steven and Christy and family love to go there. They are coming in two weeks for a few days. Take care and keep in touch when you can.