Well, classes are back in full swing! I went into our first day back yesterday feeling fully refreshed and energized from our relaxing Spring Break . . . excited about being back with the students. By the time I arrived at home at the end of the day, I was totally wiped! I don't know what happened to all of the energy that I had, but I was tired. Mondays are always one of my longest days anyway, but I think there was so much going on at school yesterday that it completely drained me. And, of course, our evening last night was not free . . . we had a Sunday School class leadership meeting to attend. So I was dead after only one day of school!
Anyway, today has gone well so far. We as a staff are under a little extra pressure over the next few days though. Our school is going through the process of accredidation. We have a team from ASCI here today through Wednesday looking over all of our curriculim sitting in our classes and getting an overall view of the school. After Thursday (when the leave) we will have to wait for the fina decision to know whether or not our school will receive accredidation or not. I will keep you posted.
As for family stuff, Sarah is in the process of going through all of our old baby clothes and washing and sorting them out. We have a couple of friends with newborns who need some clothes so we are sharing out of our abundance. And there is a lot of abundance! We had so many clothes given to us from people in our church when Rennah was born, and they have just kept on coming ever since. I think that Sarah counted about 16 white "onezies" that were 0-3 months! And we have stuff for all sizes up from there. So that is quite a large task that she is undertaking.
Rennah continues to learn more words everyday and get closer to being able to carry on a full conversation with us. Her new thing right now that makes me laugh is the way she uses the word "OK". Say she wants something real badly and she can't have it, usually when I would say "No" she would just cry . . . now when I say, "No, Rennah, you can't have that," she just says, "OK," and goes on! It cracks me up inside!
Life goes on in the St. Clair home. Please post your comments and greeting, I would love to hear from all of you.